Friday, September 29, 2006

Gee, it’s a Rainy Day Here. Let’s Plan to Attack Iran

Today is one of those days in Western Pa. when you sit around and listen to the rain bounce of the roof of the house. And in my case read and think about what the administration is planning to screw up on next. What will their next move be and where will it take place?

Well so far they have been letting stories hit the media stage that they would normally squash. So I thought to myself where have I seen this before. You know when they allowed little annoyances too continue. Read on. >>>

It’s been awhile since we heard anything from Iran on the national media. But then again it is election time, and the focus is on trying to spin all the blunders that have happen under this administration. That in its self is quite a chore.

If you think back to the months leading up to the Iraq invasion, for weeks all you heard was the misinformation that the Bush administration was putting out to the media,(Especially the New York Times.) I think we all remember the administration giving the Times false information. Then the Times would report it, and the administration would quote the Times as their source. What is more shocking about this to me is, when it was found that this was going on, the public shrugged their shoulders.

Any way, after a month or so of making sure that the country new that Saddam was a bad person, it went silent. Boom! The next thing you know Bush and his administration are telling the world that Mushroom clouds are in or future, Saddam could strike in forty-five minutes, and that he has the capability to enrich uranium. Which of course we now know he didn’t. But the majority of the American people thought he did. Well that’s the power of television. Until recently most people believed, if you heard it on the news it must be true.

The Pentagon has been working on a war plan for Iran that includes the Nuclear option. Raw

The Pentagon's top brass has moved into second-stage contingency planning for a potential military strike on Iran, one senior intelligence official familiar with the plans tells

Is the silence on Iran about to get deafening? Could we be seeing an attack on Iran that would indeed spark the start of the final battle?

"The attention given to the nuclear option has created serious misgivings inside the offices of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he added, and some officers have talked about resigning," Hersh wrote. "Late this winter, the Joint Chiefs of Staff sought to remove the nuclear option from the evolving war plans for Iran without success, the former intelligence official said."

Just One of Many Reasons to Take Back the Government.

I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that if the Neo-Cons retain control of Congress and the Senate we will see the move towards Iran. The stench once again is in the air. That of pre-Invasion.

US Info Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Said that the U.S. is willing to give European Union negotiator Javier Solana, a little more time to bring Iran back to the table. BUT,

She added, however, that these discussions could not last indefinitely because the credibility of the Security Council eventually would come into question. She said the moment for action, either on the part of Iran or the Security Council, is close. “And when you know whether or not there really is a negotiated path available, then I think you have more scope with allies to talk about what kinds of measures you really need to start to really have an effect on the Iranian program,” she said.

It is statements like these that prove that this administration has its head buried in the sand up to its ass.

The secretary dismissed the idea that U.S. policies in Afghanistan and Iraq have empowered Iran in the region. She said Iran now is sandwiched between U.S.-friendly governments and U.S. forces. She added that the new government in Iraq serves as a “counter-model” to Iran -- a nontheocratic, Shiite majority government, sharing power with Sunni and Kurdish minorities. She said the Iraqi government, with its ties to the holy city of Najaf, could claim a position of leadership in the Shiite world to which Iran never could aspire.

It is statements like these that prove that this administration has its head buried in the sand up to its ass. They are acting as if they didn’t read the Intelligence Report that was just declassified by Bush.

I feel that if the administration moves towards attacking Iran and go through with it, they will unleash a violence that has never been seen since Hiroshima, and Nagasaki.
Do me a favorer if you hear a Neo-Con follower saying we should turn Iran into glass, confront them on it.