Friday, October 27, 2006

2-4-1 Friday. Now Who's Living in La-La land & Bones

2-4-1 Friday: Now who is Living in La-La Land & The Bones Know.

Living in their own little version of Shangri-La, the Republican leaders are at it again, which this time I hope is a good thing. Read on.>>>


Yesterday Bill Frist, told republican incumbents not to sweat the Iraq war.

"The challenge is to get Americans to focus on pocketbook issues, and not on the Iraq and terror issue," Frist said in an interview with the Concord Monitor on Tuesday.

Frist’s plan is something that could possibly work in favor of the Democrats, and here’s why.

When an average Joe gets home from work, he goes over and hits the remote control, usually to catch the local news. He is interested in the weather, and sports reports. {Not in that order but, that’s the way they are set to air on most channels.} As he is getting situated in his favorite chair, the business report is on, and they are tossing phrases around like, record highs, and up so many points above yesterday, and it sounds pretty good. But to Joe, what they are saying the market is doing conflicts with what is going on in his life.

You see Joe has a second mortgage to pay, Because his daughter was in the hospital for a month last year with a kidney infection, and it nearly broke him and his wife. Then there is the personal loan that he took out to pay for the new roof and gutters put on last spring. Then there‘s Joes truck, you know the one, it‘s one more missed payment away from being repossessed. Now the creditors are ringing the phone off the wall because the credit cards got maxed out, because little Joe got sick last year and Joe has no health insurance, and it was the only way that he could think of to pay for it.

Now while Joe is waiting on the sports, a campaign commercial comes on and it is Rick Santorum telling him that under his watch the economy is doing great, and he helped get more jobs created. Joe now is about to toss a glass through the screen, but that would be another expense.

As Joe settles back in his chair, a segment comes on with the Resident-Evil saying that we are winning the war in Iraq. But that’s strange in an earlier story Joe was told that last month was the deadliest month in Iraq. Looking bewildered, Joe wonders which is it? The one thing Joe knows for sure it that, they just buried his buddy’s kid that joined the reserves four years ago. He was 3 months from getting out when he was called back.

People like Joe don’t care about the Mark Folly scandal. Yea it makes for some good jokes like the one Joe heard on the jobsite. “Why was Mark Folly at Wal-Mart? Because he heard boys pants are half off.” So I say, go ahead and let the republicans talk about the economy and how good it is, because people like Joe know where it is really at.


The Bones Know

Ok, now whether you buy the governments story on 9-11-2001, or not, you have to ask why in the hell would they not take the time to check every inch of the crime site. I mean it is five years later and they turn up. Are the utility companies so good that they did not have to get in those manholes for 5 years? I really doubt it. Read on.>>>

The bones and fragments that were fond, are said to be in next to perfect condition, for DNA matching.

Adams: "However they got there, it was certainly right at the time of the event, so they've been protected for five years and haven't been subjected to weather. ... That's the most exiting thing about this - the remains are going to be good to work with and we're getting large pieces, so the best thing that could happen would be that we potentially get some new identifications out of it."

Now this is all fine and good, but there is so much more to be answered. Like how did they get there? The biggest question that should be at the front of the line is, “Why was the administration so fast to wrap up the search?” Then when that is answered let’s ask, “Why was it that they were in such a hurry to remove the wreckage from a crime scene?” If we get answers to those questions, then let’s ask, “Why didn’t the administration pay attention to all the warnings from other countries, and the big one, Why did G.W. ignore the memo Condi gave him Entitled, “Bin Laden intent on attacking the U.S.”?

So why aren’t we asking these questions? It has been Sixty-One months and sixteen days since 9-11-2001, so why don’t we know why this administration ignored the many warnings that they got. The one thing we do know, if you have been following the track record of the Resident, the blame is somewhere else.


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